Filcoten tec. ABT® PolyDrain® ABT® PolyDrain® PDX-6 ABT® PolyDrain® PDX-8 ABT® TrenchFormer® TFX-12 ABT® TrenchFormer® TFX-6 ACO™ K100, K100S, KS100 ACO™ K200 ACO™ MiniKlassik ADP 2" Channel Drain Filcoten® Tec V 100 Hubbell® Polycast® 600 Series Iron Age Custom Frame MEA® 1000 Series MEA® EN1500 MEA® [email protected] Flydende karme Ø600 mm . Filcoten tec

ABT® PolyDrain® ABT® PolyDrain® PDX-6 ABT® PolyDrain® PDX-8 ABT® TrenchFormer® TFX-12 ABT® TrenchFormer® TFX-6 ACO™ K100, K100S, KS100 ACO™ K200 ACO™ MiniKlassik ADP 2" Channel Drain Filcoten® Tec V 100 Hubbell® Polycast® 600 Series Iron Age Custom Frame MEA® 1000 Series MEA® EN1500 MEA® <a href=[email protected] Flydende karme Ø600 mm " style="filter: hue-rotate(-230deg) brightness(1.05) contrast(1.05);" />Filcoten tec 299

Drainage Channel System: “FILCOTEN tec 100”. ** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete products not required. Profilpas Stair nosing profiles Protect . 0-10/light č. NDS also offers FILCOTEN Pro V 200 and Pro V 300 for projects that require more water to be managed. Descarregar . Specifier Notes: Specify galvanized steel or stainless steel edges. It is stable yet lightweight, can be adapted to suit your needs and can handle loads up to class E 600 (acc. 17010221. 888-825-4716. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN pro NW300 . BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN pro NW300 . C250, MW 30/10, length 500 mm,BG-FILCOTEN tec/pro mesh grating NW 100, galvanised steel or stainless steel. BG-Graspointner UK Ltd. This has no effect on the intake capacity of the system but will make. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN tec NW 100 . Our UK team had recently been in contact with Direct Site Supplies working alongside. Glass Profile creates a coplanar surface characterized by a modern and linear design, by covering the difference in height of the surface with 2% slope. To drain the 10,000 sqm of asphalt on the stadium grounds – a large, sealed area – 600 metres of our FILCOTEN® tec and FILCOTEN® pro channels with Class C and D grates were used. Tisztelt Partnerünk, tisztelt Érdeklődő! Kérje aktuális árainkat, vagy projekt esetén részletes árajánlatunkat az office. Description. Dostupný v dvoch variantoch rámu – ako pozinkovaný a z nehrdzavejúcej ocele. NDS also offers FILCOTEN Pro V 200 and Pro V 300 for projects that require more water to be managed. Sistemul de rigole FILCOTEN tec oferă caracteristicile superioare ale FILCOTEN HPC (beton de înaltă performanță) și le completează cu elemente suplimentare de siguranță. 1-20 of 22 items. Grit bedding Clean coarse 0. NDS Filcoten Trench Drain. More Details. VPUST FILCOTEN tec SET NW 100 E, s nereznovou hranou, s kalovým košem, s KG přesuvkou DN 100: 10410393: Kalový koš FILCOTEN k vpusti NW 100, plastový (light, tec) 22515: Pachový uzávěr do vpusti DN 100 (light, tec, pro) 30056: Koncová deska NW 100, s odtokem DN 100, nerez V2A (tec č. Search. C250, DM 6, length 1000 mm,Klemens R. 79 10410262 FILCOTEN Tec V 100 Channel 10-0 with Galvanized Rail -. filcoten tec-v nw100 - load class c general the surface drainage system shall be filcoten fiber composite nw100 channel system with concreted edge made of galvanized steel rails as manufactured by bg graspointner, inc and distributed by hydro bg usa inc. Yesterday, our activities from over the past 10 years got rewarded with the Energy Star 2021 award!With its unobtrusive appearance and effective performance, a Pop-Up Drainage Emitter is a valuable addition to any outdoor space looking to avoid water damage. FILCOTEN pro mini (obrázok 8) - Zabudovaním žľabového telesa FILCOTEN pro s integrovanou pozinkovanou alebo nerezovou hranou možno dosiahnuť dopravné zaťaženie až do triedy E 600 kN – a to pri naozaj nízkej hmotnosti. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN tec NW 150 . A-C uitzettingsvoeg 30-200 cm3-5 mm30 cm wegenisbeton draagkrachtige steenslag ondergrond Z X betonfundament vlg. Sustainable Innovation. Our products are essential for the ongoing industrial transformation to zero emissions. Add to Cart. More Details. 0 (6) Download . Commercial Applications. step. C250, Dm 6, Länge 500 mm, mit integrierter Längsverschubsicherung und fiX-Verschluss, gemäß EN1433 – CE-zertifiziert. Citygrid units (permeable grid) Grass: Good quality, free-draining friable topsoil, seeded at 6 -10 lbs per 1,000 ft² or 35–50 g/m², pre-seeding fertilizer applied. NDS Filcoten Trench Drain. Do not use rounded or river washed gravel. LK Shunt Cabinet VS2 1050-95 . Schwerpunkt in AT in Oberwang, Upper Austria. FILCOTEN tec V100; FILCOTEN tec mini V100; FILCOTEN tec E100; FILCOTEN tec mini E100; View all? Grid gutter FILCOTEN pro - E600KN. $40. 4301 Nominal width. FILCOTEN tec NW150 Schlitzaufsatz 2S / slot top 2S, Heelproof, SW 2x6mm, SH 110, C250 BG code: V 17116204 (17116205), E 17116304 (17116305); 7,2 kg (3,6 kg): Design-Schlitzaufsatz / decorative-slot top NW 150: 173 1000 (500) 33 110 2 x 6 143 Revisionsschacht 2S / revision shaft 2S, Heelproof, SW 2x6mm, SH 110, C250 BG code: V 17116206, E. ดาวน์โหลด . A FILCOTEN tec keletkezik névleges mérete 100 nélküli átmenetet. 6″ or 5–15 mm. 18. FILCOTEN by NDS is a trench drain system that captures and conveys stormwater on commercial and residential sites. ABT® PolyDrain® ABT® PolyDrain® PDX-6 ABT® PolyDrain® PDX-8 ABT® TrenchFormer® TFX-12 ABT® TrenchFormer® TFX-6 ACO™ K100, K100S, KS100 ACO™ K200 ACO™ MiniKlassik ADP 2" Channel Drain Filcoten® Tec V 100 Hubbell® Polycast® 600 Series Iron Age Custom Frame MEA® 1000 Series MEA® EN1500 MEA® [email protected] Flydende karme Ø600 mm . Specifications & Support. Shallow trench drains reduce the need for thicker concrete slabs; lowering costs and allowing for design flexibility. Monolithic medium duty system for parking trench drains 6” 12” sales. BG-FILCOTEN® pro V trench drain comes in galvanized steel rails for load class up to E 600 (acc. Rainfall intensity (inches per hour or mm per hour) of the area where the trench drain will be installed. | Suntem o companie austriacă care dezvoltă și produce rigole de drenaj, sisteme de trafic și canale de cabluri. 3. 03BG FILCOTEN® tec mini. Product Details. NW 200, Gusseisen EN-GJS . C250, SW 8/80, length 500 mm, with integrated longitudinal movement protection and fiX-lock, according to EN1433 - CE-certified. PP level FIX comes in different heights, from 25 to 280 mm, that can also be adjusted with the specific key from the top. The special design of the galvanised steel edge allows for simple and secure fastening of the covers. SUBSTRATES • Steel. FILCOTEN® light (bez hrany - strana 4-7): • ideální na uložení do zámkové nebo kamenné dlažby • rošty jsou položené na žlabu, nebo zaklapnuté. With the FILCOTEN® HPC (High Performance Concrete) material we are able to manufacture our products in a resource-saving way, which saves up to 70% of the non-regenerative aggregates like sand. Surface area type – concrete, pavement,. Kotviace otvory na strane žľabu zabezpečujú stabilné osadenie v betónovom lôžku. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-CLASSIC BGZ-S NW 200 . Title: BG-Formblatt_Daten Subject: Vertriebssupport Author: ABCH. 09-7. In-Branch Only. The FILCOTEN Tec V 200 Channel line For projects that fairs amounts of water to be managed, The FILCOTEN Pro V 300 is best for large amounts while the Pro V 100 is best for smaller projects . Designul special al muchiei. The FILCOTEN Tec V 100 Channel line comes in both pre-sloped and neutral sections that can be used with any FILCOTEN 100 series grate or accessory. Kl. BG FILCOTEN tec V NW 100. Vrátane systému uzáverov fiX. 1. ดาวน์โหลด . 1998 · 559. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN pro NW300 . 15 Hængslede dæksler i karm Ø600-Ø800 mm. NDS also offers FILCOTEN Pro V 200 and Tec V 100 for projects that require a smaller amount of water to be managed. C250, MW 29/13, length 500 mm, with integrated longitudinal movement protection and fiX-lock, according to EN1433 - CE-certified BG-FILCOTEN pro ductile-iron bar grating NW 150,. A FILCOTEN egy olyan alapanyag, amely kis súlya ellenére magas nyomó és hajlító szilárdsággal bír. FILCOTEN Pro V 300 Channel 2 with Galvanized Rail SKU # 10630202. (125 kN). 36 10410209 FILCOTEN Tec V 100 Channel 9 with Galvanized Rail 0. 5% 39. 2. FILCOTEN Tec 100 For residential and commercial spaces 4”/100mm wide channel body Slot-top grates provide a sleek, handicap accessible design Accepts 4” pipe 4. The special construction of the galvanized steel frames enables the. FILCOTEN Trench Drain Systems by NDS offers superior impact resistance making it less susceptible to cracking and breaking during transport. Caracteristici. We also offer drain grates in a variety of styles and designs, including decorative options, to match the aesthetic of your property. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN tec NW 150 . The special construction of the galvanized steel frames enables the covers to be fixed. The FILCOTEN Tec V 200 Channel line For projects that fairs amounts of water to be managed, The FILCOTEN Pro V 300 is best for large amounts while the Pro V 100 is best for smaller projects . The special construction of the galvanized steel frames enables the covers to be fixed. Our trench drain systems range (called BG-FILCOTEN) is among the first products in a linear drainage system to use recyclable material in production. For projects that require more water to be managed FILCOTEN Pro V 200 and Pro V 300 suit best . 17015183. Download . BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN tec NW 200 . The FILCOTEN Tec V 100 Channel line comes in both pre-sloped and neutral sections that can be used with any FILCOTEN 100 series grate or accessory. The FILCOTEN Pro V 200 Channel line comes in both pre-sloped and neutral sections that can be used with any FILCOTEN 200 series grate or accessory. C250, MW 30/10, length 500 mm,MicroStation construction materials - other - Download BIM objects or save to your project free of chargeABT® PolyDrain® ABT® PolyDrain® PDX-6 ABT® PolyDrain® PDX-8 ABT® TrenchFormer® TFX-12 ABT® TrenchFormer® TFX-6 ACO™ K100, K100S, KS100 ACO™ K200 ACO™ MiniKlassik ADP 2" Channel Drain Filcoten® Tec V 100 Hubbell® Polycast® 600 Series Iron Age Custom Frame MEA® 1000 Series MEA® EN1500 MEA® EN2000. Live Chat OPEN Online OrderingDescription. Grate description. Kotva k dodatečnému zajištění roštu - antivandalismus NW 100 nerez (Filcoten tec, pro) 32087. BG-FILCOTEN tec/pro mesh grating . C. The special construction of the galvanized steel frames enables the. VPUST FILCOTEN tec SET NW 100 E, s nereznovou hranou, s kalovým košem, s KG přesuvkou DN 100: 10410393: Kalový koš FILCOTEN k vpusti NW 100, plastový (light, tec) 22515: Pachový uzávěr do vpusti DN 100 (light, tec, pro) 30056: Koncová deska NW 100, s odtokem DN 100, nerez V2A (tec č. These. Download . Drainage channels, commonly referred to as trench or linear drainage channels, are used to take surface water away from an area. Nervurile de ancorare asigură fixarea sigură în stratul adiacent de beton. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN light NW 150 . A Filcoten ®® egyedülálló környezetbarát termék. Magenta Building 2 Brookhill Way, Banbury Oxon, United Kingdom OX16 3ED +44 1424 817050. Download. FILCOTEN pro mini (obrázok 8) - Zabudovaním žľabového telesa FILCOTEN pro s integrovanou pozinkovanou alebo nerezovou hranou možno dosiahnuť dopravné zaťaženie až do triedy E 600 kN – a to pri naozaj nízkej hmotnosti. | We are an Austrian company that develops and produces drainage channels, traffic and cable ducting systems. At Drainage Connect, all of our pipe is ASTM 1785D certified and all of our fittings are ASTM 2665 certified. 28 40. Remove This Item. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN tec NW 150 . SUBSTRATES • Steel sheets • [email protected]@bg-graspointner. The FILCOTEN channel sections are made from an industry leading high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete which is stronger, lighter, and m FILCOTEN Tec V 100 Channel 16 with Galvanized RailBG-FILCOTEN light NW 150 Low-weight, highly stable channel body with or without slope and front-end safety seam. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN tec NW 200 . C. FILCOTEN® - žlabový systém budoucnosti! Využijte této výhody – rádi Vám poradíme! tec light Podstatný rozdíl mezi systémy FILCOTEN® light a tec je v zabudované hraně. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN tec NW 200. The anchoring pockets on the sides of the channel ensure a secure hold in the concrete bed. Grate variations for FILCOTEN® by NDS® Tec & Pro: Accessories for FILCOTEN® by NDS® Tec & Pro: NDS offers a full line of channel and trench drains suitable for any project: From NDS® The Leader in Stormwater Management NDS Customer Service 851 N. More Details. Home; Products. Our drive towards continuous improvement is also reflected in our planning for the. FILCOTEN tec mini - Světlá šířka 100 Tělo žlabu z vláknobetonového materiálu FILCOTEN se zabudovanou nerezovou, nebo pozinkovanou hranou. V-presjek kanala za bolji efekt samočišćenja i kapacitet odvodnje. The FILCOTEN Tec V 100 Channel line comes in both pre-sloped and neutral sections that can be used with any FILCOTEN 100 series grate or accessory. Concrete countersunk head screw for quick installation of permanent and temporary fastenings. 28 40. De dikte en de kwaliteit van het betonfundament zijn omschreven in onderstaande tabel*. ดาวน์โหลด . De Tec 100mm en 150mm zijn tevens uit voorraad leverbaar. Ušteda na resursima Upotreba čistih mineralnih sirovina čuva se okoliš, a proizvodi se u potpunosti mogu reciklirati. I přes svojí nízkou hmotnost odolává tento prvek bez problémů zatížení Tř. The most diverse of covering variants such as slotted-/mesh gratings, ductile iron gratings and perforated or design grates make the product wonderfully versatile and thus possible for. 1. Download. Citygrid units (permeable grid) Grass: Good quality, free-draining friable topsoil, seeded at 6 -10 lbs per 1,000 ft² or 35–50 g/m², pre-seeding fertilizer applied. The FILCOTEN channel sections are made from an industry leading high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete which is stronger, lighter, and more durable than the competition. Download . C250, MW 30/10, length 500 mm,BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN tec NW 100 . C. FILCOTEN tec - Světlá šířka 200 Tělo žlabu z vláknobetonového materiálu FILCOTEN se zabudovanou nerezovou, nebo pozinkovanou hranou. Specifier Notes: Specify galvanized steel or stainless steel edges. 9 Isolerede dæksler Ø600 mm . Description FILCOTEN by NDS is a trench drain system that captures and conveys stormwater on commercial and residential sites. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-CLASSIC BGZ-S NW 100 . 🚂 Our Team in Switzerland just finished a project for the Aargauer Verkehr AG (AVA), to optimise the cable routes along the track. FILCOTEN by NDS is a trench drain system that captures and conveys stormwater on commercial and residential sites. voegband toplaag bitumineus grind draagkrachtige bitumenlaag betonfundering vlg. PDF. NW 200, galvanised steel or stainless steel. sales. FILCOTEN® by NDS® HPC. Klemens R. The FILCOTEN Pro V 200 Channel line comes in both pre-sloped and neutral sections that can be used with any FILCOTEN 200 series grate or accessory. 4" FILCOTEN Tec V 100 8" FILCOTEN PRO V 200 12" FILCOTEN PRO V 300 FILCOTEN comes in 4", 8" and 12" Widths, Sloped & Neutral FILCOTEN ® by NDS combines smart engineering and smart materials to provide a superior trench drain suitable for handling a high-load capacity. com. 8 Dæksler Ø600 mm . ABT® PolyDrain® ABT® PolyDrain® PDX-6 ABT® PolyDrain® PDX-8 ABT® TrenchFormer® TFX-12 ABT® TrenchFormer® TFX-6 ACO™ K100, K100S, KS100 ACO™ K200 ACO™ MiniKlassik ADP 2" Channel Drain Filcoten® Tec V 100 Hubbell® Polycast® 600 Series Iron Age Custom Frame MEA® 1000 Series MEA® EN1500 MEA® EN2000. These beautiful decorative ductile iron grates are ADA compliant and heelproof and possess a snap-on system engineered for class D trench drain applications. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN tec NW 150 . Grass seeded or gravel finish. Klimas Wkręt-Met WKCP - Flange head construction screw . ดาวน์โหลด . Rinnen und Abdeckungen zu Rinnen. Product Details. 03 %. C250, MW 30/10, length 1000 mm, with integrated longitudinal movement protection and fiX-lock, according to EN1433 - CE-certified. The project in London using our BG-Filcoten Tec Channels combined with our C250 Stainless Steel Slot Tops, available off the shelf!!!!!. 💧 Our project showcases the durability and sustainability of BG-FILCOTEN tec channel drains, combined with sleek. BG-FILCOTEN tec/pro Guss-Längsstabrost. BG-FILCOTEN tec/pro Lochrost NW 150, Stahl verzinkt oder Edelstahl. Az innovatív folyókatest szerkezetéből adódóan nagyon könnyű és könnyen kezelhető. SCREW MATERIALBG FILCOTEN tec E NW 100. NDS also offers FILCOTEN Pro V 200 and Pro V 300 for projects that require more water to be managed. 299. ch@bg-graspointner. ABT® PolyDrain® ABT® PolyDrain® PDX-6 ABT® PolyDrain® PDX-8 ABT® TrenchFormer® TFX-12 ABT® TrenchFormer® TFX-6 ACO™ K100, K100S, KS100 ACO™ K200 ACO™ MiniKlassik ADP 2" Channel Drain Filcoten® Tec V 100 Hubbell® Polycast® 600 Series Iron Age Custom Frame MEA® 1000 Series MEA® EN1500 MEA® EN2000. 014 urmăritori pe LinkedIn. FILCOTEN city mini NW100 Channel Drain x 1m In-Branch Only. Portofoliul nostru este completat de servicii de suport multiple. E 600 F 900 pro Load class. Download free BIM objects of BG-Graspointner GmbH for SketchUp, Autodesk, Revit, Vectorworks or ArchiCAD. FILCOTEN tec Tělo žlabu z vláknobetonového materiálu FILCOTEN se zabudovanou pozinkovanou hranou. C. : 032 387 37 70office. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN tec NW 150 . Das Versetzen der FILCOTEN ®-Rinnen erfolgt auf einem Betonfundament nach Ö-Norm B4710-1 oder in Monokornbeton nach RVS 08. It’s stable yet lightweight, and can be adapted to site conditions. 27 %. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-CLASSIC BGZ-S NW 150 . FILCOTEN® pro E channels are also available in a shallow version with a lower. This pre-cast concrete channel comes in pre-sloped. . BG-FILCOTEN tec/pro . The latter offers a more powerful hydraulic performance and an additional retention volume of 40 l/m. : 032 387 37 70office. 16 Dæksler og. FILCOTEN one. Download. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-CLASSIC BGZ-S NW 100. BG-FILCOTEN Tec V 100 by NDS® trench drain system is available with galvanized or stainless steel rails in pre-sloped and neutral sections and is resilient up to Class E600 (in accordance to DIN 19580). Sort By. Letöltés Árlista - BG-Graspointner, Budapest. Drainage systems are a necessity in parking garages and need to deal with a number of challenges. 5% 39. Search. KS100 ACO™ K200 ACO™ MiniKlassik ADP 2" Channel Drain Filcoten® Tec V 100 Hubbell® Polycast® 600 Series Iron Age Custom Frame MEA® 1000 Series MEA® EN1500 MEA® EN2000 NDS® 2400 Series NDS® 8" Pro Series NDS® Dura Slope. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN light NW 150 . Gottfried Graspointner posted images on LinkedInThe UltraSlot linear slot drainage channel system is designed to withstand infrequent ultra heavy-duty loads in external pavement areas such as airports, ports, highways and similar areas. 5% 39. BG-FILCOTEN tec 100 channel system | BG Graspointner. Se kataloget her. The FILCOTEN channel sections are made from an industry leading high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete which is stronger, lighter, and more durable than the competition. FILCOTEN tec - Světlá šířka 200 Tělo žlabu z vláknobetonového materiálu FILCOTEN se zabudovanou nerezovou, nebo pozinkovanou hranou. Thanks to its light weight and speed of installation, the implementation of. Gradual explanation: step 1-5. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN pro NW300 . 36 10410209 FILCOTEN Tec V 100 Channel 9 with Galvanized Rail 0. FILCOTEN tec mini folyóka. 5-meter long and will adapt to any trench drain application. Schedule 40 PVC 90-Degree Street Elbows are used to change the direction of a pipeline at 90 degrees. The FILCOTEN channel sections are. As the industry innovator in fire retardant technology, our FX LumberGuard XT offers a dual-treatment system that was designed to add both long term rot protection combined with Class-A Fire protection for use in decking applications and much more. Materiallieferungen. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN one NW 200 . The Filcoten Tec 100 has a 4"/100mm wide channel body and accepts a 4-inch pipe. Optimalizované a husté složení HPC umožňuje vytvořit konstrukci odvodňovacího žlabu v lehké verzi při současně dodržené stejné stabilitě a zatížitelnosti jako u původních betonových žlabů. 25″ or 2–6. NDS offers a full line of FILCOTEN products to complete any project. Download . FILCOTEN light NW100 Mesh Grating B125 x 1m. The BG-FILCOTEN parkline is the monolithic drainage system for parking garages with silent comb profile and drainage-optimised rib construction. 562. 68 10410210 FILCOTEN Tec V 100 Channel 10 with Galvanized Rail 0. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN tec NW 200 . BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN tec NW 200 . NDS also offers FILCOTEN Pro V 300 and Tec V 100 for projects that require. Ideális megoldás. 5% 39. With our BG-FILCOTEN® pro V channel, you don’t have to compromise on quality or durability. The new, revolutionary BG-FILCOTEN® one trench drain is a good example of channel and grating cast in one piece – for the first time made from the most innovative material on the market: BG-FILCOTEN® HPC (High Performance Concrete). Download. 03BG FILCOTEN® tec mini. This video highlights the key steps and procedures for a successful FILCOTEN installation. AZEK Exteriors AZEK® Cornerboards . to EN 1433). ABT® PolyDrain® ABT® PolyDrain® PDX-6 ABT® PolyDrain® PDX-8 ABT® TrenchFormer® TFX-12 ABT® TrenchFormer® TFX-6 ACO™ K100, K100S, KS100 ACO™ K200 ACO™ MiniKlassik ADP 2" Channel Drain Filcoten® Tec V 100 Hubbell® Polycast® 600 Series Iron Age Custom Frame MEA® 1000 Series MEA® EN1500 MEA® EN2000. Kl. ABT® PolyDrain® ABT® PolyDrain® PDX-6 ABT® PolyDrain® PDX-8 ABT® TrenchFormer® TFX-12 ABT® TrenchFormer® TFX-6 ACO™ K100, K100S, KS100 ACO™ K200 ACO™ MiniKlassik ADP 2" Channel Drain. 10 Faste karme Ø600 mm . <p>FILCOTEN by NDS is a trench drain system that captures and conveys stormwater on commercial and residential sites. 4 percent by volume. BG-Graspointner. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN tec NW 200 . 1500Typical trench drain sizing considerations. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN pro NW300 . The highly. a. The trench drain system is. Grate ID. NDS offers a full line of FILCOTEN products to complete any project. The year is slowly drawing to a close and the holiday season is getting started. 3. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-CLASSIC BGZ-S NW 100 . BGZ-S heavy-duty channel Load class. 08 inches (2 mm) Galvanized Steel Rail. Our trench drain grates are made to fit BG-FILCOTEN® pro G, E, V, or/and BG-FILCOTEN® t ec V / tec E channel drain series. 3. Let bij het uitgraven op het verval van de goten. sales. This innovative material is 100% recyclable, contains 0% harmful substances, is non-flammable, and cannot be damaged due to temperature changes or UV exposure. FILCOTEN tec (obrázok 7) - Telo žľabu z materiálu FILCOTEN so zabudovanou nerezovou alebo pozinkovanou hranou. The channel system FILCOTEN tec offers the outstanding properties of FILCOTEN HPC (High Performance Concrete) and supplements these with further safety aspects. FILCOTEN INFRA AVEC CORNIÈRES EN ACIER GALVANISÉ 4 mm (SUITE) 05. Under the current ownership and management since 1987, Josam Company is a leading manufacturer of quality plumbing and drainage products. Rinnen und Abdeckungen zu Rinnen. com. The FILCOTEN Tec V 100 Channel line comes in both pre-sloped and neutral sections that can be used with any FILCOTEN 100 series grate or accessory. The FILCOTEN channel sections are made from an industry leading high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete which is stronger, lighter,. 3ds Max construction materials - other - Download BIM objects or save to your project free of chargeBG-FILCOTEN tec/pro Lochrost NW 200, Stahl verzinkt oder Edelstahl. This button displays the currently selected search type. The FILCOTEN Pro V 200 Channel line comes in both pre-sloped and neutral sections that can be used with any FILCOTEN 200 series grate or accessory. Harvard Ave. Kl. With BG-FILCOTEN ® tec with slot top, design and drainage work hand in hand. Anchoring ribs ensure a secure bonding with the surrounding concrete bed. For designers. NDS also offers FILCOTEN Pro V 200 and Pro V 300 for projects that require more water to be managed. Anchoring ribs ensure a secure bonding with the surrounding concrete bed. Klimas Wkręt-Met WKFC - Cylindrical head construction screw . 2. High-quality: • solidly built and robust • resistant to heat and frost. Anchoring ribs ensure a secure bonding with the surrounding concrete bed. Download . BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN tec NW 150 . Both BG-FILCOTEN tec and BG-FILCOTEN pro pro were installed on the plateau, and BG-FILCOTEN pro was used for the connecting roads, where greater load-bearing capacity is required. Length and width of the surface area draining into the trench (feet or meters). Download . Download . BG-FILCOTEN parkline NW 150. English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian česk. Our BG-FILCOTEN® one Family just got bigger: Meet the all new BG-FILCOTEN one urban! 🙌 It’s a monolithic drainage channel that is 100% recyclable and can handle load classes up to D400. ดาวน์โหลด . usa@bg-graspointner. com 514. The FILCOTEN channel sections are made from an industry leading high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete which is stronger, lighter, and more durable than the competition. De FILCOTEN®-goten worden op een aardvochtige beton aangebracht. NW 100 Details. BG-FILCOTEN tec/pro mesh grating NW 200, galvanised steel or stainless steel. C250, MW 30/10, length 1000 mm, with integrated longitudinal movement protection and fiX-lock, according to EN1433 - CE-certified. BG FILCOTEN pro V NW 200. Download . BG-FILCOTEN. The FILCOTEN Pro V 300 Channel line comes in neutral sections that can be used with any FILCOTEN 300 series grate or accessory. Better substrate for securely fastening exterior facing. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN pro NW300 . 14 1000 års dæksel og karm Ø600 mm . 0 (6) ดาวน์โหลด . The S350 variant of the drainage channel is specially designed for applications with a large amount of water discharge. ABT® PolyDrain® ABT® PolyDrain® PDX-6 ABT® PolyDrain® PDX-8 ABT® TrenchFormer® TFX-12 ABT® TrenchFormer® TFX-6 ACO™ K100, K100S, KS100 ACO™ K200 ACO™ MiniKlassik ADP 2" Channel Drain Filcoten® Tec V 100 Hubbell® Polycast® 600 Series Iron Age Custom Frame MEA® 1000 Series MEA® EN1500 MEA® EN2000. cl. NDS Filcoten Trench Drains are made from high-performance fiber reinforced concrete, designed to handle heavy loads. Particularly suitable for. A. NW 200, galvanised steel or stainless steel. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-CLASSIC BGZ-S NW 400 . 12. 37 7. Download . 299. Gottfried Graspointner posted images on LinkedIn. A rácsok egymáshoz való rögzítése speciális rögzítő patenttel történik. 06Zarge Edelstahl V2A / 1. Das Versetzen der FILCOTEN®-Rinnen erfolgt auf einem Betonfundament nach Ö-Norm B4710-1 oder in Monokornbeton nach RVS 08. This innovative material is 100% recyclable. Nennweite. 01 or within a layer of flexible adhesive. BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-CLASSIC BGZ-S NW 100 . A B G F C D E C Note 1 : Pour les grilles de 500 mm (19,7 po), prévoir 2 grilles par. Einbaurichtlinie FILCOTEN® tec. 89-7. 2. The FILCOTEN Tec V 100 Channel line comes in both pre-sloped and neutral sections that can be used with any FILCOTEN 100 series grate or accessory. 04A15-C250 nach EN1433. Drainage Connect offers FILCOTEN Tec 100, Pro 200 and Pro 300. com Product Guide SpecificationThe FILCOTEN Pro V 200 Channel line comes in both pre-sloped and neutral sections that can be used with any FILCOTEN 200 series grate or accessory. 511. Download . Download. 0 (335 mm) and 40-0 (535 mm). BG-Graspointner GmbH BG-FILCOTEN tec NW 200 . 2. Showing 1 - 12 of 143 results. BG- FILCOTEN® tec V / tec E. Špeciálna konštrukcia pozinkovaných oceľových rámov ponúka možnosť jednoduchého a. Sustainable energy footprint. This market-leading system also features a slot-top grate, which is carefully designed to be handicap accessible and maintain a sleek appearance. The anchoring pockets on the sides of the channel ensure a secure hold in the concrete bed. NW 200, Gusseisen EN-GJS . C250, DM 6, Länge 500 mm, mit integrierter Längsverschubsicherung und fiX-Verschluss, gemäß EN1433 – CE-zertifiziert. 0-10)FILCOTEN Tec V 100 Galvanized Steel Rail Accessories 300xx 190102xx 10410292 22515 32087. com e-mail címen. Stegmeier Frontier Drain Top Cap - Grey is excellent for light-duty applications including pools, patios, spas, and tennis courts. B. 08 – 0. Material: FILCOTEN HPC. It’s stable yet lightweight, and can be adapted to site conditions. 3" Pro Series Drains; 5" Pro Series Drains; 8" Pro Series Drains; 12" Pro Series Drains; NDS Slim Channel; NDS Spee-D Channel; Stegmeier. 2 – 0. FILCOTEN® light.